Friday, January 21, 2011

More Fuel to the Fire: Miami-Dade to repay $3.6 million in HUD funds back to the Feds

Miami-Dade is now being asked to repay $3.6 million in Federal Block Grants money from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) because officials in the Miami-Dade department cannot show if the money was spent properly. According to the Miami Herald "Jennifer Glazer-Moon, director of the Office of Strategic Business Management, stressed that the county has shored up its monitoring of such grants. And, she added, the county succeeded in paring the total due to HUD to $3.6 million -- from the $4.7 million that the federal agency was originally demanding.``We want to make sure things like this never, ever happen again,'' said Glazer-Moon." (I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE SAID THAT)

This latest incident with the Feds only continues to feed the speculation of the competency of this administration. The people of Miami-Dade County have already lost confidence in their government, stories like this only continue to fan the flames of recall. It is next to impossible for any top government official from this administration to expect to be left in charge of the posts they currently hold. This administration and its top bureaucrats have lost total credibility.

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